Rozanne Brown
Historically, Rozanne worked as a consultant in the IT field for 30 years, including systems design, programming, project management and predominantly as a Business Analyst. It was in this last role where she found her true passion; putting all the pieces together in a puzzle to just make sure the optimal solution is put into play for all stakeholders in the chain. She has a passion for digging deep, looking at challenges from all angles & finding constructive ways to get a better return for effort; not just from a financial perspective, but also with consideration to efficiency, integrity, longevity, and societal impacts.
Rozanne’s experience spans widely across very large corporates, local through to federal government, non-profits, medium and small business. This has given her exposure to a large range of industries including transport, travel, community clubs, agriculture, manufacturing, export, health, publishing, pharmaceutical and telecommunications to name a few.
Having worked in 3rd world aid-sponsored projects abroad, she has experienced first-hand what happens to communities hit by natural disasters. She has volunteered at local community organisations in fundraising at a grass-roots level. These experiences have given her a heart-felt understanding of the real challenges faced by those who need help most, along with a passion to help.
Rozanne has a passion for expanding her thinking and knowledge, then utilising that knowledge to help others do the same. She lives by the belief that if we all just help one person and ask them to pay it forward instead of pay it back, we will create a better world for everyone. She is excited to have the opportunity to work with Red Tape Busters to assist business and non-profits to access grants so they may make their own positive impact in their communities.