We have specialised experience in preparing a variety of business support documents, including marketing plans, strategic plans, operational plans and business plans.
We also can assist in preparing QA/WHS/Environmental Management related documents, policies and procedures, SWMS etc which are required in many tenders. Our focus is purely on assisting our clients to win the tender and we strongly suggest that our clients obtain legal advice on the suitability of these documents being implemented in the workplace prior to such implementation occurring.
Through our extensive experience working in the public and private sectors we have skills and abilities in relation to:
- organisational restructures,
- developing position descriptions,
- recruiting staff,
- documenting work and operational processes,
- developing Quality Manuals and Systems,
- auditing your business to ensure compliance with Government, requirements,
- developing marketing initiatives,
- developing Operations Manuals,
- preparing Employee Manuals,
- preparing tenders for Government Works and Contracts,
- assisting clients develop QA/Environmental Management/WHS systems and processes and in achieving ISO 9001 Certification.
Let us help your business expand and grow by winning Government, Council or Commercial tenders!