Karen Myers
Karen has 30 years’ experience in the field of sport, completing a Bachelor of Applied Science (Physical Education) and gaining professional experience through a variety of teaching, coaching and sports administrative roles. Having worked in the area of sport at school, club and national level, Karen has a sound understanding of what is involved to be successful from grassroots through to high performance.
Owning and operating a family business for 10 years provided Karen the opportunity to ‘learn on the job’ and develop a broad range of business skills.
With a passion for sports, personal involvement on, and working with many committees at club, state and national level, Karen has an excellent understanding of volunteer commitments and an appreciation of the time and resources it takes to fulfil these roles and their operation. Karen is excited to have the opportunity to work with Red Tape Busters, to assist clubs and not-for-profit organisations to access funding enabling them to develop, service their members and their broader communities.