Lorraine Stiller
Red Tape Busters have been working with us for over four years. We are a disability support organisation at Nambour on the Sunshine Coast and provide accommodation support for those in need. We initially engaged Red Tape Busters to identify various Government Funding opportunities to help us renovate our Centre. We have also used the expertise of staff from Red Tape Busters to prepare our Strategic and Operational Plans and to prepare similar documents for our State Wide Disability Services Group. We have already been successful in receiving funding of $30,000 for a disability ramp and also were successful with a submission for $4.9million to construct disability specific accommodation at our Nambour facility. The submissions and documents prepared by Red Tape Busters were first class. Even the staff from Disability Services Queensland who read one submission prepared by Red Tape Busters have said that it was one of the best submissions they had seen. I recommend these guys to anyone seeking funding or in need of business or strategic plans.