- Red Tape Busters represent client in battle with Brisbane City Council regarding Council threat to issue a fine for using a property as a business premises outside local planning area requirements. Red Tape Busters effectively negotiate a solution that meets the needs of Council and protects client’s business interests. RTB win again.
- Won $102468 in compensation for a client in a building dispute.
- Won combined $455,000 in compensation for resumption of land;
- Won $260,000 in costs relating to a property dispute with a Council;
- Won $26,000 in compensation from a bank;
- Won $13,000 in costs from a Financial Advisor;
- Won $75,000 in “lost” superannuation;
- Won removal of easements from properties;
- Won ability to build on what Council had termed a “flood prone” property;
- Won thousands of battles for Mums and Dads across Australia;
- Won hundreds of battles for businesses and Industry Sectors across Australia.
Successful Lobbying
Job Applications
- Won – 85% of our clients receive an interview.
Business Support
- Won – Successfully assisted businesses from a wide variety of industry sectors improve turnover and primarily their bottom line by between 5 and 36% over a 12 month period.